Friday, September 30, 2011
Shepherd's Pie
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
No-Knead Cinnamon Rasin Rolls-免揉肉桂葡萄干面包
一个星期前,在书店买了一本食谱书。里面有我喜欢的食谱,而且是图文拼貌。食谱分成4类。1)饼干2)点心 3)蛋糕 4)面包。就在这食谱中看到一个不用揉也不用面包机搅拌的面包,而且还是用普通面粉不是高筋面粉。好神奇哦!因为太想知道做出来 的成果是什么样,味道又如何?所以今天就来把它“征服”。
One week ago, I bought a new recipe book . I like this recipe book because it has most of my favourite recipes. It has 4 parts; 1)cookies 2)Snacks 3) cakes and 4) breads. When i browsed through this book,there is one recipe inspired me very much, that is kneadless Cinnamon Raisin Rolls.
This is my first time coming across of making bread with plain flour and the dough doesn't need kneading at all,and yet the finished dough is soft. As the dough is very soft and sticky,the only way to get around it was to dust the work surface and the dough generously with flour,to prevent it from sticking.
The texture of the bread is in between cake and bread. These rolls are good to eat (my opinion but my hubby said is dry),you make them yourself and let me know the outcome.
2 eggs ............2个鸡蛋
90 g water .......... 90克水
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Meat Floss Sponge Cake -肉松海绵蛋糕
Recipe: (adapted from 孟老师的100道小蛋糕)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Char-siew -简易美味叉烧
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Cheese Almond Lapis -芝士杏仁千层糕
Forget about the calorie and cholesterol today. Just pamper yourself with one or two pieces of cakes should be no harm to your health and will not increase your body mass.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Chocolate Cheese Bun 巧克力芝士面包