Saturday, October 2, 2010

Soft Chocolate Walnut Cake

Just came back from China tour two days ago. Been busy washing dirty laundry and cleaning the house. While I was taking a rest and making myself a cup of coffee, I saw a packet of walnut on the table, which I bought from Da Li. I suddenly had an urge to bake a cake with walnut. Without wasting much time, I decided to bake this soft Chocolate walnut cake which I bake very often.

I like the texture of the cake which is very soft and light. And I also like the bits of the chopped walnuts and the sweetness of the chocolate. The combination of the ingredients is just perfect. And walnuts are good for the brain.



160 g caster sugar
140 g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 tablespoon ovalett
30 g ice-cold water
5 big cold eggs (from fridge)


170 g melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla essence

80 g chopped roasted walnuts
60 g grated chocolate


1) Put ingredients A into a mixing bowl. Whisk at high speed until the mixture is thick and creamy.

2) Fold in ingredients (B) until well blend.

3) Add in scrap chocolate and 2/3 of chopped walnuts, mix well.

4) Pour into a greased 8" x8" square tin. Sprinkle the remaining chopped walnuts on top of the cake batter.

5) Bake in a preheated oven at 170ยบ C for 40 - 45 minutes or until cook.

6) When cool cut into pieces and serve. Enjoy!


  1. Haha, love your statement: "And walnuts are good for the brain" - not only is good for our brain, to me walnut looks quite similar to our brain! Anyway, I finished two packages of walnuts each weighted 454gm with shell last week and love the rich bite.

    Priscilla Poh

    1. Hi Prispoh, thanks for dropping by. Have a nice weekend ahead.
