Monday, August 30, 2010

One must use Hong Kong bean curd skin as it is unsalted (otherwise the food will be too salty) . Don't buy from market, the bean curd skins found in the market are salted. hence they are not suitable for this recipe. Hong Kong bean curd skins are available at Kwong Cheong Thye Pte.Ltd.

The food can be a starter of a meal or a snack. The skin is crispy and inside is moist. I am sure the children will love it very much.

Friday, August 27, 2010
Niang Toupok and Chillies

Monday, August 23, 2010
Japanese Cheese Cake (2)
Most of us like to eat cheese cake. This time I am baking a Japanese Cheese Cake adapted from K.L popular chef, Alex Goh. It tastes as good as the one I described in my previous post (click here).
5 nos egg whites (use B egg approx. 60 g each)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Cabbage Rice With Fine Anchovy 包菜银鱼饭
Too lazy to prepare 1 main dish 2 side dish and a soup for tonight's dinner. After all, only three of us are eating at home. I wanted to cook something which is simple and takes little time for preparation. So I decided to cook this teochew/hokkien-styled cabbage rice which is also known as "guo lay cai beng" , if I am not wrong.
Recipe: (Adapted from Famous cuisine No. 55)
Ingredients (A)
150 g cabbage ( cut into 1 inch square )
150 g chicken drumsticks meat ( cut into cubes)
2 cups (260 g) white rice
4 Chinese mushrooms (soaked, cut into cubes)
8 dried oysters
2 pcs. pandan leaf (knotted)
360 ml water
2 tablespoon cooking oil
Ingredients (B):
3 pips garlic (sliced)
3 shallo (sliced)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dark soy sauce
Marinade:1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon corn flour
1/4 teaspoon dark soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon "Shaoxing" wine
Method:1) Wash rice, set aside. Season the chicken meat with marinade ingredients, ready to cook.
2) Heat up 2 tablespoon cooking oil in the rice cooker, saute garlic and shallot until fragrant. Remove fried garlic and shallots. Leave some oil to stir-fry mushrooms, dried oyster and chicken meat until fragrant.
3) Add in rice, pandan leaves, seasoning and water, toss well. Cover and let in cooks for 10 minutes.
4) Add in cabbage, continue to cook until rice is done.
5) Serve with fried shallots and fried anchovy and some coriander leaves/spring onions.
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Some of the recipes from the books are good, as well.
250 g self raising flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
250 g fine caster sugar
Pinch of salt
6 eggs (use 4 egg whites)
1/4 cup Evaporated milk + 1/4 cup water to make 1/2 cup
25 g cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Few drops red colouring
1/2 teaspoon lemon essence
1. Cream Buttercup and sugar till creamy and fluffy.
2. Sieve flour and baking powder .
3. Add egg one at the time to the creamed BUTTER mixture. Fold in flour and milk alternately and mix mixture till blended.
4. Divide mixture into 3 unequal portion.
5. Add cocoa and vanilla to the smallest portion (4 tablespoons butter)
6. Add red colouring to 14 tablespoons of cake mixture. Add the rest of the mixture with orange essence.
7. Grease a 9" round or 8" square cake tin with BUTTERCUP. Sprinkle with flour. Fill tin with a tablespoon of different mixtures so that the cake when baked will have a marbled effect.
8. Heat oven 375°F or 190°C. Bake in a preheated oven for 40-45 minutes. Lower the oven temperature slightly after 30 minutes of first baking.
9. Cool cake in tin and invert it on wire rack. Cool and serve it with tea or coffee.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Nyonya Nasi Ulam

Nasi Ulam is a traditional mildly spiced rice salad, popularly enjoyed amongst Penang nyonyas and babas. It is prepared with a combination of cooked rice, fried salted fish, fried fish, dried shrimps, (or fried fresh prawns) pepper, roasted grated coconut and local herbal leaves. Usually served cold together with other traditional dishes such as pickles, curries, sambal belacan, etc.
It's quite troublesome to gather and chop up so many herbs but the dish is so absolutely fragrant and delicious, served with sambal belacan that it's worth the effort.
Recipe (serves 4)
-- 2 cups (280 g rice, washed and drained)
-- salt to taste
~4) In bowl, combine salted fish, ingredients B, C and rice. Toss and mix well all ingredients.
-- 1/2 teaspoon salt
NB. Source and information are adapted from 2 different magazines. I have improvised the recipe a little bit.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Fresh Blueberry Muffins ( 1)
~3) Add eggs in 4 stages.
~5) Blend in blueberries.
~6) Deposit batter in paper-lined muffin pans or cupcake pans. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes or until done.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Potato Tuna Patties

Recipe (about 8 pcs)
coating: 1 egg, lightly beaten
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
在我家附近有 一家餐馆名叫'大食家',他们的招牌之一 干扁四季豆非常好吃。今天突然心血来潮想自己大显厨艺就敢敢照着食谱炒了一碟给家人吃。 他们吃了还称赞说,"不 错,不错, 有酒楼的水准"。假如你有兴趣可以跟着这个食谱做。
四季豆 - 200克,
冬菜 - 10 克
猪肉碎 - 80 克
葱花 - 10 克
蒜茸 - 10 克
上汤 - 120 克
生抽 - 1 汤匙
糖 - - 1/2 茶匙
老抽 - 1 汤匙
麻油 - 1/2 汤匙
花雕酒 - 1/2 汤匙
2 将其请洗后放入七成熟的油锅炸至熟。
Radish Beef Soup 白萝卜牛筋汤
Today I suddenly missed the taste so decided to try cooking by myself. See below for the result of a broth, only need 1 hour to prepare.
1 large radish (cut into portions the size u like)
800g beef brisket
50g ginger lightly mashed
1 pinch of crushed white pepper
1) Cook 2800ml of water, radish and beef tenderloin in pressure cooker. Cook for 40 mins. (Alternative: cook in slow cooker until meat is tender)
2) Add salt, pepper, light soya sauce to taste.
3) Serve hot with chinese parsley and spring onion.
Very simple to cook but deliciously tasty.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Stir Fry Beef With Ginger And Spring Onions 姜葱炒牛肉
What's for dinner tonight? I opened my fridge, I 've got spring onions, beef and ginger. So I decided to cook this simple yet tantalizing dish for dinner.
300 g beef
50 g spring onion (cut into portions)
50 g ginger (sliced)
- 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
- 1 teaspoon light soy sauce
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar
- 1 tablespoon 'shao shin' wine
- 1/2 bowl water
1) Cut beef crosswise into thin slices. Marinate with
- quarter teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon light soya sauce
- 1/2 teaspoon corn flour
- 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
- dash of pepper
2) Heat wok. Parfry beef then dish out. Leave 1 tablespoon of oil in wok. Stirfry ginger until fragrant. Add spring onion, stirfry for 1 minute until soft.
3) Quickly add in gravy and beef. Stirfry until beef is tender. Thicken with starch.
4) Serve hot. (optional: Add a dash of pepper)
Simple dish but goes very well with hot plain rice!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Mango Juice Drink Cheese Cake (chilled)
It has been quite some time since last December that I made any non baked cheese cake. My youngest son requested me to make one of his favourite chilled cheese cakes. So I decided to make cheese cake with mango juice drink.
b) Use a K-beater to beat cream cheese, sugar until smooth and creamy. Add in lemon juice.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Preserved Mustard Cabbage with vegetable meat balls 梅菜素丸子

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Citron Tea Chiffon Cake 柚子茶戚风蛋糕
I have totally forgotten that I still have half a bottle of the citron tea which was kept in the fridge, until yesterday when I cleaned the inside of my fridge. As I have always wanted to try 赤堀博美's recipe, this was a good opportunity to use up some of the citron tea. Other than changing the Orange Marmalade to Citron Tea in the recipe, I did not make other changes.
~30 g sugar